北京大学遥感所|Peking University

团队负责人|Principal Investigator

曾招城|Zhao-Cheng Zeng


Dr. Zeng is an assistant professor at Peking University in Beijing, China. He received his PhD degree in 2016 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then worked as a Postdoc and later as an associate research scientist at California Institute of Technology. He joined Peking University in 2022. Dr. Zeng’s research interests relate to the development of theories and algorithms in radiative transfer and satellite retrieval. Currently, he is leading a research group at PKU working on creating a remote sensing algorithm system that synergizes the strengths of LEO/GEO hyperspectral spectroscopy observations to obtain accurate information about atmospheric trace gases.

个人主页|Website: https://faculty.pku.edu.cn/zeng

联系方式|Email: zcz AT pku.edu.cn

团队成员|Group Members

王惠东|Huidong Wang

刘尚义|Shangyi Liu

华健聪|Jiancong Hua

国家卫星气象中心|National Satellite Meteorological Centre

漆成莉|Chengli Qi


李路|Lu Lee


经费支持|Research Funding

[1] 国家自然科学基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China) No.42275142 & No.12292981

[2] 国家重点研发计划(National Key R&D Program of China ) No.2022YFA1003801